Why should I learn music theory?

With my own students I try to avoid using the term "Music Theory." It sounds difficult and boring to most. I like to call it "How Music Works." Most students would love to know how music works but don't want anything to do with MUSIC THEORY.
How can I use this knowledge of "How Music Works?"
- Play lead guitar
- Songwriting
- Figuring out what chords might sound better than the one on the page in front of you.
- Change the key of a song to fit your voice (Transposing)
- Figure out what notes will sound good behind another musician's part.
- Know how the BREAK the rules so you can create a really fresh sound.
- Get yourself out of a rut when you have a part of a song written but cannot just randomly come up with another part that goes with the one you already have (Maybe you have a verse but cannot come up with a good chorus).
- Figure out songs by ear faster by listening to the radio or your iPod (Transcribing).
- Almost anything you want to do with music is made easier and even possible by knowing "How Music Works."
- Many, many more reasons!